Remedies for These Tough Times
Our world may be beginning to open up again. There’s perhaps a tiny ray of sunshine peeking out from behind the c-virus cloud.
We may soon be able to go to the doctor, see a dentist. Perhaps have a pedicure or have a hair cut. It will come back, bit by bit.
But we’re all still stressed and anxious.
During the time of this pandemic, I am relying on some old stress relievers, but also found some amazing new ones to help move me along.
1. Siddha Stress Relief
A new one for me — and my new go-to—is the stress relief spray by Siddha. This amazing blend of cell salts and flower essences helps the brain fire properly, allowing the mind to relax and become calm. You can use it up to five times per day. I use it first thing in the morning and right before going to bed. I have now ordered another product that helps with energy and motivation. Plus another one — Thinning hair? Check this one out.
2. Bioplasma
A similar item is Hyland’s Bioplasma. Again, it is a combination of all 12 cell salts. I keep this on my desk and take it once in the morning and again in the afternoon. It seems to help me stay focused. The bottle says it is “for relief of symptoms of colds, simple nervous tension, fatigue and headaches.” I can’t imagine that nervous tension is ever simple, but who knows.
3. Bach Flower Remedies
I have always believed in Bach Flower Remedies, especially Rescue. I knew it worked for me personally—helping me chill in a time of stress. But one day it turned my crying, screaming, dancing, stripping five-year-old daughter who had tangled with fire ants, into a slightly whimpering, calmer, hiccoughing one in minutes. I carried it in my purse thereafter. You’ll find more information here.

4. Essential Oils

5. Adaptogens
I’ve used adaptogens for years—ashwagandha, milk thistle, astragalus, ginseng. But my favorite is holy basil. Adaptogens can help your body respond to stress, perhaps by helping regulate cortisol, one of the stress-related chemicals. The research jury is still out. However, that doesn’t stop me from taking holy basil and I believe it helps with stress levels, among other things, over the long haul. Herbally Grounded in Las Vegas sells holy basil as a single herb in capsules, but it can be found in many stress-relieving formulas at health food stores and on line.

Here is what I’ve been doing to stay sane and healthy during over the last six weeks:
Using essential oils that have anti-viral properties and others that help one stay calm and centered
Taking vitamins and herbs and eating well with almost everything made from scratch
Getting regular halotherapy (salt) treatments for respiratory health (now using a salt pipe)
Not watching the news (lessens the stress)
Getting outside for much of the day — sometimes gardening, sometimes sitting
Smudging the house with sage (sage supposedly has anti-viral properties—strong ones)
Getting enough sleep
Enjoying just being with my husband (married two years yesterday)
Staying in touch with friends and family members (really important — am calling someone I haven’t talked to in years each week)
Sticking to a daily regimen — bathing, make up the bed, skin care, centering time, writing, exercise, lunch, dinner.
Using this as an opportunity to study astrology and deepen my understanding of Feng Shui, the I Ching, and the healing properties of stones, plus making jewelry (did you know a kitchen torch is strong enough to solder sterling silver?).
If you’re looking for other stress-relieving alternatives, please visit 12 Timely Quirky Tension Tamers posted earlier this year.
Please take care of yourself. We’re all in this together.

Moon Notes
Today’s moon moon begins the last quarter of it’s orbit around the earth with the new moon coming in a little more than 7 days. It is 48% full and passing through Aquarius. The next full moon will be on June 7 when it is passing through Capricorn.
What I’m Reading
And I’d Do It Again, by Aimée Crocker — a “true” story of travel and unbelievable adventure by the granddaughter of a railroad barron in the late 1800’s.

Fire Logic, an Elemental Logic novel by Laurie J. Marks — action couples with philosophy in this story of a woman warrior who operates from the basis of fire logic (an inner knowing). First of the four-book series that I’ve read, but I’ll be getting the others!